“Unwavering Loyalty: A Heartbreaking Tale of a Puppy’s Grief and Devotion to his Departed Mother”

There have been heated debates online about whether or not animals are capable of experiencing emotions. As someone who loves animals, we give them our undivided attention. We believe in their abilities because we are familiar with them. Animals have the ability to feel, love, become hungry and even experience sadness and grief when they lose a loved one.

The bond between a mother and her children is strong, and the same goes for the love children have towards their parents. Even animals can feel this love, as was seen when an Indian man came across a puppy who refused to leave his deceased mother’s side.

A lot of individuals refrained from taking action upon discovering the dogs, fearing their unpredictable behavior if approached. They were all deep in thought, trying to figure out how to handle the situation. However, when Somi arrived at the scene, he stepped up and treated the dog with care. Somi had come across a photo of the same puppy resting on its deceased mother on Facebook a couple of days ago, but he didn’t know where they were located.

VoSD reported that the canine and its mother had been in the area for a week. Somi required some time to locate the puppy, and VoSD was unsuccessful in locating the dogs during that period.

Somi made sure to give the puppy’s mother a proper burial. However, getting the little pup to follow him was a challenge as it was evident that the pup was reluctant to leave his mother’s side, and Somi had to persuade him multiple times to come along.

Regrettably, the puppy’s mother had passed away and her body had been decomposing for several days. It is truly sad that despite this, photos of the poor pup snuggling up to his mother’s remains are still being shared on social media. What’s worse is that some individuals are using these images to solicit donations for their own benefit. It’s disheartening to know that such exploitation still exists. We must be vigilant and report any instances of people trying to profit from such pictures. Thankfully, the pup has been rescued and his mother has been laid to rest. He will soon recover from this traumatic experience and will receive all the love he deserves for the rest of his life.

Our gratitude goes to Somi and VoSD for their tireless efforts in rescuing the little pup and ensuring that his mother received a proper burial. We appreciate their compassion and dedication towards animal welfare.

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